Thursday, February 23, 2012

How do I potty train an 10 month old toy poodle?

I have a ten month old toy poodle, how do I potty train him? He pees and poos everywhere around my house. Is there any special way to teach him? We bought this perfume kind of thing and it says on the instruction that when you spray it, the dog will pee or poo there. But it doesn't work. So any ideas?How do I potty train an 10 month old toy poodle?Crate training is the best way to "potty train" a dog. He will need a crate only big enough for him to lay down, turn around etc. and no more. Do not put food or water in the crate. Here is a site you can check out.鈥?You'll find more success in crate training then paper, pads and what not. Those only teach your dog it's still okay to go in the house.How do I potty train an 10 month old toy poodle?Learn the signs of when he needs to go. When you see those signs direct him out. Tell him to go potty or some other word you want him to learn that is associated with going potty. Get some treats and when he goes potty outside give him a treat and praise. Lean him off the treats and more onto the praising. Keep potty pads on the floor by the main area that he pees/poops on. Try to bring it more toward the door little by little. Teach your dog a way of letting you know that he has to go to the bathroom. Like get a string and a bell. Tie the string around the bell at the bottom of the string. Stick a thumb take out of reach of your dog. Tie the top of the string to the thumb tack making sure the bell is at your dogs height. Train your dog to tap or ring the bell when he need/wants outside.

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