Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why are there toy drives for military families?

A lot of stores have toy drives for kids of military parents. Why? I don't want to sound ignorant this is why I am asking. But don't military personall get paid decently? Their father or mother may be away which hurts a ton, but the military parent can still send money home for gifts, right?Why are there toy drives for military families?The most visible military organization for toys is the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program. Is that what you are talking about? If so, it is not a program for military families, they give the toys to any needy family, rarely military families.

The toy drive Dollar Tree has, part of Operation Homefront, is for military families, not needy families.Why are there toy drives for military families?
I guess everyone has a different definition of "paid decently". The military has people at all income levels, the same as the civilian world. There are plenty of families in the military community that are having difficult financial times, in addition to dealing with deployments. The toy drive you are referring to helps a lot of military families, including National Guard, Reserve and active duty. You sound as if you resent the kids in military families getting toys donated to them. Not sure if I am reading your question correctly, but that is how it comes across. Fortunately, no one is required to buy and donate a toy. It's all done voluntarily.Why are there toy drives for military families?Not sure what toy drive you are talking about. Marines have Toys for Tats but the toy are not for Military families.

Add: Artill, I was active duty and as an E-6 I was TAKING HOME over 50K a year, plus incredible benefits. The average wage for my ZIP code (not counting military) was 30K a year. If I had been almost anywhere else I would have made more. At all levels the Active Military is paid adequate (as far a $$$ go). Things like lost time from families can never have a value placed on it and can never be repaid. It frustrated me no end when I had a young troop with money problem. The issue is not the money but the discipline. Not many jobs pay as well straight out of High School or even College as the Military (active duty) does especially when you include the benefits. I am all for Joe getting a pay raise. I now work for the DOD as a DA Civilian (making less than I did when I was in Uniform, but I don't deserve what the Soldiers get paid) and my heart, admiration and thanks go out to those that wear the Uniform, we need to Thank God for them, but $$ wise they are taken care of. There other issues that need to be addressed but pay isn't one of them.

.Why are there toy drives for military families?
Don't make me giv eyou my sad story of how I was a single parent and had to get the state to pay for half my welfare and I could nto get food stamps and sometimes go to food banks...oh I see you feel so sorry for me....I was in debt....Why are there toy drives for military families?Actually, no, military doesn't get paid what it should when you are below a certain level. Talk to some people in the military. They struggle just as much as the rest of us do.Why are there toy drives for military families?
Why not. Just like every toy drive you are free to donate or not.

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