Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How many rounds does a Monopoly game last?

I'd like to know how many rounds it takes to complete a typical Monopoly game. Not interested in how much time passes, just how many turns are involved.

For bonus points, can you tell me how many rounds a typical Risk game involves?How many rounds does a Monopoly game last?the games lasts until all the property is bought and all of the money is in one persons hands it can last for a very long time there is no set of roundsHow many rounds does a Monopoly game last?
Monopoly ..probably around 20 -25

However in Risk it would depend on who your playing and how aggresive they are , cause if they're Fortifying alot it could take Forever~!How many rounds does a Monopoly game last?my sisters once played for 3 days
you keep playing until there is only one person left, the other ones have gone bankruptHow many rounds does a Monopoly game last?it take 29,599,102,442,111.59993 turns. on average.How many rounds does a Monopoly game last?
monopoly turns takes on average 25 per player but only 10 if it is monoploly junior sorry never played risk
Monopoly generally lasts me between 20 and 30 turns although it can vary depending on rule sets and such. Risk always takes much longer. The quick version is somewhere between 75-100 turns and the long way is usually between 140 and 200. Of course, it all depends on your opponent(s) and your own style of game play.How many rounds does a Monopoly game last?
there are no amount round wise? It can go for a day or more!
Figuring out the number of turns in a game of monopoly is next to impossible.

It really depends on the players and the rules. Usually players get bored and frustrated after several hours and call it a night.

Play Trivial Pursuit - at least you'll learn something in the process...

Risk is the same way - some people take it WAY too seriously and of course they take longer to beat down. My girlfriend likes to put a stranglehold on Australia and just keep building up resources....

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